Saturday, 17 April 2010

Friday, 16 April 2010

Horsenden Hill visit

This Saturday artists involved in the collective will be visiting Horsenden
Hill, a park near Perivale in Ealing. We will be hearing about the council's
plans to make the park a more interesting place for visitors and taking some
photographs of the area. Hopefully the collective will do some work in the
park in the future. The park has a lot of history, from ancient hill forts
to second world war AA gun placements and has also been the setting for Dr
Who episodes. There is also a lot of old pottery and clay pipes that would
be great to use in mosaics. It should be an interesting visit!

Monday, 12 April 2010


Some new developments!
The collective has been approached by Supercare, an employment training programme in Acton, who are planning on setting up a  stall at the market. They have offered us some space on the stall to sell original pieces after they have been shown at the exhibition. We could also sell things that use artist's designs like bags, coffee mugs and T-shirts. Supercare will be telling the collective more about this at the next steering group on the 29th April.
The collective has also been approached by Ealing council about an exciting project in another park. Watch this space for more news!
All the funding we applied for has been approved and work can now start on the studio building. The building needs quite a lot doing to it. It needs a sink, electricity and the middle wall needs to be knocked down to make it one big studio room.
The artists are working hard on pieces for Brent Park Lodge animal centre's South American aviary which should be opening at the end of this month. Because we don't have a studio yet the artists are working at Support for Living's Breakaway service and Southall college. These pieces will be shown at the park when the aviary opens to show visitors the sort of work that will be created by the collective over the Summer.
At the moment we are still called Brent Lodge Park Art Collective, but this is quite a mouthful. If any of the artists in the collective can think of a better name, leave a comment on here or let Matt know!