Monday, 20 September 2010

Bags and banners!

Here are the artists at work, our 4 rucksack designs, and the finished banner (as modelled by Hope and Shadrock).
The rucksacks cost £3.60 from the MarketCraft stall at Acton Market or £3.30 from Brent Lodge Park.
We created the banner at cost price for the animal centre as we are using their classroom for free, but if you want to commission a banner, flyers or a display designed by the Art Collective, let us know and we will offer a very competitive price!

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Community Garden banner design

Here is the design for the banner advertising the new community garden in the animal centre. The background and the figures and vegetables in the foreground were painted by artists involved in the collective. 4 designs were put together using Photoshop and this was the design that was chosen by the group.
The collective has also had another donation - Jeremy Khan has kindly donated a batch of canvas stretchers which the artists will hopefully use to make their own canvases. Thanks Jeremy!

Thursday, 2 September 2010

Vegetable garden project

The animal centre has recently opened a new vegetable garden and the art collective were asked to design a banner to advertise it. These designs are to be used in the banner:
Marrow by Sukhi, Plants by Keith, Leek by Zubin and Matt, Beetroot by Hope, Chilli by Matt, Children playing by Hope.